
export interface RESTPostAPIWebhookWithTokenJSONBody
export interface RESTPostAPIWebhookWithTokenJSONBody
allowed_mentions?:APIAllowedMentions | undefined
Allowed mentions for the messageSee
applied_tags?:Snowflake[] | undefined
Array of tag ids to apply to the thread
attachments?:RESTAPIAttachment[] | undefined
Attachment objects with filename and description
avatar_url?:string | undefined
Override the default avatar of the webhook
The components to include with the messageRequires an application-owned webhookSee
content?:string | undefined
The message contents (up to 2000 characters)
embeds?:APIEmbed[] | undefined
Embedded rich contentSee
Message flags combined as a bitfield
A poll!
thread_name?:string | undefined
Name of thread to createAvailable only if the webhook is in a forum channel and a thread is not specified in thread_id query parameter
true if this is a TTS message
username?:string | undefined
Override the default username of the webhook