No summary provided.
RESTPostAPIGuildRoleJSONBodyRGB color value 0
Inherited from RESTPostAPIGuildRoleJSONBodyWhether the role should be displayed separately in the sidebar false
Inherited from RESTPostAPIGuildRoleJSONBodyThe role's icon image (if the guild has the
Inherited from RESTPostAPIGuildRoleJSONBodyROLE_ICONS
feature)Whether the role should be mentionable false
Inherited from RESTPostAPIGuildRoleJSONBodyName of the role "new role"
Inherited from RESTPostAPIGuildRoleJSONBodyBitwise value of the enabled/disabled permissions "default role permissions in guild"
Inherited from RESTPostAPIGuildRoleJSONBodyThe role's unicode emoji as a standard emoji (if the guild has the
Inherited from RESTPostAPIGuildRoleJSONBodyROLE_ICONS