export interface RESTPatchAPIGuildJSONBody
export interface RESTPatchAPIGuildJSONBody
afk_channel_id?:Snowflake | null | undefined
ID for afk channel
afk_timeout?:1800 | 3600 | 60 | 300 | 900 | undefined
afk timeout in seconds, can be set to: 60, 300, 900, 1800, 3600
default_message_notifications?:GuildDefaultMessageNotifications | null | undefined
Default message notification levelSee
description?:string | null | undefined
The description for the guild
discovery_splash?:string | null | undefined
base64 png/jpeg image for the guild discovery splash (when the guild has DISCOVERABLE feature)
explicit_content_filter?:GuildExplicitContentFilter | null | undefined
Explicit content filter levelSee
features?:GuildFeature[] | undefined
Enabled guild featuresSee
base64 1024x1024 png/jpeg/gif image for the guild icon (can be animated gif when the guild has ANIMATED_ICON feature)See
New name for the guild (2-100 characters)
owner_id?:Snowflake | undefined
User id to transfer guild ownership to (must be owner)
preferred_locale?:Locale | null | undefined
The preferred locale of a Community guild used in server discovery and notices from Discord; defaults to "en-US" "en-US" (if the value is set to null)
premium_progress_bar_enabled?:boolean | undefined
Whether the boosts progress bar should be enabled.
public_updates_channel_id?:Snowflake | null | undefined
The id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive notices from Discord
region?:string | null | undefined
Voice region idSee
rules_channel_id?:Snowflake | null | undefined
The id of the channel where Community guilds display rules and/or guidelines
safety_alerts_channel_id?:Snowflake | null | undefined
The id of the channel where admins and moderators of Community guilds receive safety alerts from Discord
splash?:string | null | undefined
base64 16:9 png/jpeg image for the guild splash (when the guild has INVITE_SPLASH feature)See
system_channel_flags?:GuildSystemChannelFlags | undefined
System channel flagsSee
system_channel_id?:Snowflake | null | undefined
The id of the channel where guild notices such as welcome messages and boost events are posted
verification_level?:GuildVerificationLevel | null | undefined
Verification levelSee